Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms.


You consent to abide by the following rules when using your Account:

  • Personal Use :You may only use your Account for personal purposes; you may not use it for any other purposes, including commercial ones.
  • Your Account and Your Device :You will only have one Account, and it will be linked to the device that you are fully authorised to use and that you own.
  • Instructions :You must always make sure that the instructions you give us regarding your Account are accurate, clear, and relevant with the law. About your Account, we shall follow your directions, excluding the following:
    • We believe that the following instruction:
      • is not a creation of yours;
      • is vague or ambiguous;
      • is a criminal offence; or
      • has been created with a malicious or deceptive intent;
    • we are otherwise required by the law
    • The Terms have been broken by you.

    If you use a Virtual Card to make a payment, we'll assume you've given your consent unless you notify us that money has been taken from your Account.

  • Hold Payment :We may withhold a payment instruction if we firmly believe that doing so is necessary to safeguard you or your Account (for example, because if the payment exceeds a limit linked to fraud), or if doing so is legally required.
  • Please be aware/ Awareness :Unless we are prohibited from doing so by law, we will contact you as soon as we are unable to carry out your request or hold a payment instruction for an extended period of time.
  • Currency :The UAE Dirham will be used for using the Services, including when holding funds in your Account. But, if you want to send money in a foreign currency, we will use the exchange rate in effect at the moment and inform you in advance of it.
  • Value Restrictions : [1] We are entitled to place a limit on the total amount of money that may be spent on any one of the Services. For instance, we may place a limit on the total amount of money that can be maintained in your Account at once. The current account restrictions that apply to your account are as follows:
    • Your PlexPay Wallet can hold up to AED 20,000 in total at any given moment.
    • The most you can add to your PlexPay Wallet each month is AED 25,000.
    • Any single transaction made with your PlexPay Wallet [or Virtual Card] may not exceed AED 10,000 in value.
    • Your PlexPay Wallet [or Virtual Card] has a 10,000 AED daily spending limit.
    • In accordance with clause 19 of these Terms, we may modify these restrictions.