Billing & Accounting
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the inventory in PlexPay allows to track the goods and stocks effectively.
Yes, you can easily use the software without any hassle.
It makes the transaction more easy and efficient.
No, it actually saves time and makes the process very quick.
Yes, the details of every customer credits could be stored accurately without any misleads.
No, every data’s and details regarding customer credits are stored safely and efficiently.
Yes, every details regarding the sales and purchased could be stored and analyzed when needed.
Yes, it’ possible to access the details of sales and purchase at any pace.
Yes, every accounts and expense are easy to handle through PlexPay.
Yes, every transactions and accounts under PlexPay are safe.
Yes, the billing software can be used with ease without any hassle.
All the transactions and details will be safe under PlexPay.
It is more compactible compared to physical ledger
Yes, every functions such as balance sheet, balance ledger could be accessed.
Yes, same software of PlexPay could be handled flexibly in various branches.
No, there is no chance for any bugs and the head/ main branch could easily control the software operations.
Yes, the reports will be updated and accurate.
No, every details including the sales, profit, margin and many more could be analyzed through P & L reports.